+44 1926 675644

Secure Checkout

Complete your payment below via our Secure Checkout System.

STEP 1: product purchase plan
Sanity Session 1-1
A 2 hour Zoom call one-to-one with Dan to analyse your business and help you develop a plan of attack to maximise your profit while minimizing your time in day-to-day operations.
Price: £1997.00
VAT: £399.40
Order Total: £2,396.40
Secure Checkout System
STEP 2: billing info
STEP 3: Purchase
Secure Checkout System

If you're not satisfied, we're not satisfied
That's why we will happily give you a full refund on your purchase if you decide that it was not worth it.

* This excudes not showing up for paid events/workshops. If you can't make it, please reschedule ahead of time. As long as you attend, you are eligible for a refund.